Men and their talks are different from women and their talks. They have different perspective for everything. The way they think is different from the way women think. At times it is difficult for women to understand them. It is always said that understanding a woman is difficult but the same goes for men many times. In the first place, men do not speak so much and when they do, it is somewhere the duty of women to understand them and also give them sensible replies. When men are speaking their heart then just be there for them. men usually do not do that and when they do they need someone who will pay attention to their talks. This Men’s Health Month let us give an equal opportunity to men to speak and to be heard.

At times women do think that the way men talk or the way they think is non-sense but then we cannot expect everyone to be like us. Every two people is different. You cannot accept everyone to be perfect or to be the way you want them to be. Even two blood brothers cannot think the same or be the same. Out of guilt and the shy involved with men asking for help, they never do and keep everything to them. this also goes for speaking. Women are known to speak a lot and if men do the same they are compared or tagged as women. This is humiliating for them; hence they restrict it. Men’s Health Month is the month when we need men to just let their self out.
You can do the talking as a couple therapy. This will ensure both the partners are speaking. Such things help a lot to make the relationship happy and worth it. Speaking to each other clears a lot of doubt and misunderstandings. Let the coming weekend of Men’s Health Month be your first session.