The new year is almost here. With people around making a resolution and trying to make their intimacy life better by reading books and taking the help of medication like Cenforce 130 mg, here are some 2021 resolution you should follow to keep your intimacy life alive. Have a look at these points.

Learn More About Yourself
When you explore yourself you might find some unexpected pleasure.
Everyone has their own pleasure points. In case if you are suffering from impotence issues then take help of Cenforce 130 mg.
Get Back To The Basics
Intimacy can sometimes be intuitive, but there is something to be said for doing your homework. When you think things are going out of your hand then, stick to the basics. The old basic style of intimacy never goes out of style and plus they have sure shot satisfaction.
Explore Location
Make love in a different place at a different time suggests experts. A small change in location or shaking off of your old routine makes the intimacy feel brand new. It is advisable to carry Cenforce 130 mg with you.
Work On Every Fantasy You Want Too
It can involve role-play, costumes, and losing yourselves in characters and scenarios, or even BDSM. sThink about where your mind drifts when you are falling asleep and see how much of that you can achieve. If it demands you to last longer in bed then take help of Cenforce 130 mg.
Communicate With Your Partner What You Want
When you communicate with your partner, things get more clear. And you can get what you actually want. Reaching orgasm is difficult when the male partner is not able to last longer in bed. To last longer in bed, they can take the help of Cenforce 130 mg.
Experiment With Your Intimacy Life
How about a new year and new intimacy positions? Intimacy is all about experiments and exploring new zones and pleasures points to make it more sensuous. If you want to last longer in bed then consume Cenforce 130 mg.