Every man wants to be the hero for her women. They can go through Fildena 100 Reviews to know about how this medicine can make them hero in bed. Every man wants to be a guy their partner never forgets or keep talking about it to others. Consuming proper medicines will surely help you to be the man she will always remember. Also go through Fildena 100 Reviews before consuming anything else.

Ask Before You Do
There is nothing sexier about a man than the one who asks for the consent of his partner before doing it. You can take the help of Fildena 100 Reviews and then decide what will make you the hero in bed before starting the session. It can make the whole act very naughty and pleasurable. Just ask your partner if you can touch or kiss her body parts before you jump on uninvited.
Take Time
See, intimacy is not all about penile-vaginal intimacy. They want you to take time and help them warm –up as women take much longer time to arouse than men. When men are fully aroused, it is the best time for them to consume Fildena medicine before buying do read Fildena 100 Reviews. Tease her by going down to the point she no longer can take it.
Do Not Be Selfish
Women do not like men who are selfish in bed and just think about their pleasure. Let her take her time. Let her know your first priority is to satisfy her. To maximize the satisfaction men can also consume certain medication. To know what to buy consume Fildena 100 Reviews.
Ask Her To Pleasure Herself
This will help in two ways. She will start getting excited and secondly, you will come to know what are her likes and dislikes and here she likes to get touched or how in a specific way she touches herself. Check Fildena 100 Reviews and consume the medicine to last longer in bed. Pay careful attention to which finger she uses and where.